Tag Archives: be proud of your failures

2011 The Lesson I Learned: Be Proud of Your Failures

Life is difficult sometimes. Is it just me….or is it true that when things feel as if they couldn’t get any worse something (or several somethings) else goes wrong? I was not joking when I’ve said that the rejection letters I’ve received from graduate school programs and elsewhere came on some of the worst days of my life. Coincidental? I think not…

I have probably failed more than I’ve succeeded. Hasn’t everybody? It’s a matter of statistics really. If you want job X and they are only hiring 2 people but 100 people are applying for it, you have a 1 in 50 chance of succeeding and about 49 chances to fail.

Failing is part of life. You will be dumped, hurt, betrayed, rejected, and disappointed. That doesn’t matter. It is what you do next that counts. Will you go back to bed and stay there for a week? Or will you say, their loss, and try again?

Recently I spoke the phrase “I am proud of my failures,” and meant every single bit of it.

Below is a list of five reasons you should be proud of your failures too.

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Filed under Growth, Healing, Inspirational, Life Lessons