Confessions of A Vegetarian: Carnivorous Cravings

Please check out my newest article on The Veggie Stand, “Confessions of A Vegetarian: Carnivorous Cravings.” 

Last week I wanted a filet mignon. The next day it was salmon. I don’t think us vegetarians are suppose to say this out loud (especially those of us who are vegetarians for ethical reasons). Aren’t we suppose to be so married to the cause -the principles of ethical vegetarianism- that we wouldn’t dare admit to missing steak? Well not really… Maybe an outsider would expect that from us, but those of us who are active veggies know that we sometimes get cravings for meat or fish and that sometimes it can be borderline unbearable.

Most of the time abstaining from meat isn’t much of a struggle. However, since becoming a vegetarian eating has become more of a chore than ever. My meals have become more elaborate and take more planning that when I was an omnivore and could just grill up some chicken, throw it into a salad, and call it dinner. Though food is still a very big part of my life, my feelings for it have changed since committing to my vegetarian lifestyle.

Before becoming a vegetarian, I was a very different person. When I traveled, food and beer were as exciting and pleasurable as the atmosphere of the destination itself. For me, overindulgence almost always went hand in hand with vacation. In this I am not alone, as many people give weight to the sampling of ethnic or regional food and drinks when traveling. Some people travel for the food and drinks alone!

Follow the link to The Veggie Stand to read the rest of the article


Filed under Vegetarianism

4 Responses to Confessions of A Vegetarian: Carnivorous Cravings

  1. Michael

    Though I really love vegetarian food and try to eat meat-free meals as much as possible, like the old saying goes – ‘too much of anything is good for nothing’. I think you don’t have to feel bad if you eat some meat once or twice a month even if you call yourself a vegetarian. In my opinion, it is the best way to have proper nutrition.

  2. Jen

    I went pescetarian two years ago, and never missed the ‘other meats’ until today, when I had a sudden craving for braunschweiger, of all things!

  3. Kim

    @Michael: I have been a vegetarian since elementary school (I am now 26), and people always ask me (after finding out I’m a vegetarian), “Do you eat chicken?” The answer is no, because vegetarians do not eat meat. To call yourself a vegetarian and continue to eat meat – no matter how much or how often – is offensive to people who actually are vegetarians and work hard to stay true to vegetarian values. In fact, I have found that many people do not take vegetarians seriously because so many people call themselves a vegetarian yet still eat meat. I appreciate that you are coming at this from a health perspective and have different values, but if someone eats meat – they are not a vegetarian, nor should they continue to call themselves that.