Category Archives: Fiction
Got to have faith
Filed under Dreams, Fiction, Film, Inspirational, Life Lessons, Motivation
Literature From Hell Part Deux: Ethan Frome Edition

If you’ve been following my blog, you must know about my longstanding aversion to Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. The fact that I was forced to read Heart of Darkness over ten times and write even more papers about it— gives the book’s title more meaning and as the author, make’s Conrad’s inspiration for the title pretty obvious to me. If I made a list entitled “Hayley Rose’s Least-Favorite-Most-Hated Literature of All Time,” though Heart of Darkness would surely dominate it, I can say with assurance that it would have company, ahem, Ethan Frome.
No Such Thing as Love Like in the Movies?
I have been told there is no love like in the movies. I disagree. For example, this weekend I went with my boyfriend to his family’s cabin in Vermont just over the border of Western Mass. It was a beautiful weekend, the fall leaves cascaded from the oaks and maples like delicate Chantilly drapery. Saturday afternoon, we road our mountain bikes to a summit where we had a picnic. It was perfect, he’s so sweet, he even brought my favorite, lavender champagne! To be honest, most of the weekend, we were cut off from the rest of the world holed up in the cabin’s foyer under its vaulted ceilings. It was so cozy by the roaring fireplace. The heat lit the room like a grenade in a fox hole.
Lunch with Hansel and Gretel
It took some intense psychoanalyzing and a ton of candy to keep me buzzing, but I think I finally figured out why I love Thomas Kinkade so much: because his cottages remind me of one of my favorite fairy tales, “Hansel and Gretel.”
Who could forget these two innocent German children who wander into the woods after their parents abandon them? The story intensifies as they soon happen upon a house made of chocolates, gingerbread cakes, and candies; a life size gingerbread house, every child’s dream! I remember the first time my grandmother told me this story. A real house made of dessert? I had to see it for myself. My eyes widened in anticipation.
Filed under Fairy Tales, Fiction, Life Lessons, Writing
Fiction Friday IX- Open Call
This Friday, I participated in Rita’s Fiction Friday IX- Open Call
Rita’s Guidelines Were:
“Write a story using all the weapons in the original Clue game: a knife, a wrench, a lead pipe, a candlestick, a revolver and a rope. The fun part of this is that these items do not have to be used in a murder scenario, but can be worked into any kind of story in any manner you wish.”
Here’s what I came up with: