Category Archives: News

A New Feminist Movement? Will You Help?

I am calling for a new feminist movement and men, we really need your help.

Rush Limbaugh’s comments from last week still has people outraged. Though there are many men who despise him and his views on women, the fact that he is so forthright in the public eye suggests that many more of them are in agreement with his opinions. It is men like Rush who have given “feminists” a bad name and created the stereotype: that feminists are angry “man-haters.” Though he would probably deny it, it is obvious by his loose usage of the term “feminazi” that he has helped to perpetuate this hateful and outrageous stereotype. As a feminist, I have never been a man-hater nor met any feminists who were. It has been made clear by the public’s reaction to Rush’s recent rhetoric that both men and women are fed up with these unfair gender stereotypes and shamefully ignorant accusations.

I used to wonder how the public’s perception of the word “feminist” became so skewed from it’s actual definition “a person who advocates equal rights for women.” Instead of being viewed as courageous, people who dare to challenge the status quo in a country where women are still paid 20% less than what men earn in comparable positions, we are viewed with public disdain and branded man-hating rabble-rousers merely for daring to vocalize these glaring gender inequalities. Publicly, those with clout, like Rush, talk about and regard us with the same type of annoyance and irritation that they also reserve for the brave participants of the Occupy Movement.

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Help Protect Farm Animals in Iowa

I received an email this morning from PETA. They are again combating a law that would prevent people from filming or photographing the interior of factory farms. It is too dangerous for these farms you see, rather than treat their animals humanely they would prefer to keep whistle blowers and their cameras out. Is humane treatment of farm animals too much to ask for? Apparently it is— so much to ask for in fact that these farmers are actually wasting the people of Iowa as well as their law makers time and money with attempts to legally ban these defenders of these abused farm animals. Wouldn’t it be much easier to comply with the fair treatment and regulations created for these poor animals who already have a one way ticket to having their throats slit at the slaughterhouse? I’ve posted the contents of the email below and already contacted the governor to urge him not to enact this absurdity into law. I hope you will sign too. Shame on these farmers!

“We urgently need your help to stop House File (H.F.) 589, which has just passed in the Iowa legislature and has reached the governor’s desk, from being signed into law. If signed, the measure would in effect prevent citizens from photographing or filming a farm without the farmer’s consent and could stop vital undercover work that exposes routine abuse of animals in the factory-farming industry. This absurd bill is a fast and sly rewrite of a bill that was the subject of massive public outcry because it would have criminalized filming without a farmer’s consent outright, and it is no more than a desperate attempt by agriculture industry giants to prevent consumers from learning the truth about the lives and deaths of animals on factory farms.

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Filed under Animal Rights, News

Rush Thinks We’re All Sluts

After Rush Limbaugh’s recent explosion over birth control it is clear that Rush Limbaugh thinks we’re all sluts. The controversy that caused the explosion: law student, Sarah Fluke’s testimony on behalf of women. Yes, women. She argued that birth control should be covered by insurance even if you are working or attending some sort of religious institution. The vast majority of Republicans are going after birth control coverage in the same way they bullied some insurance companies into removing abortion coverage. Rush responded to Sarah Fluke’s testimony with the following statement.

“So Miss Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here’s the deal: If we are going to pay for your contraceptives and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.”

It is interesting to note that Fluke’s argument was not based on the birth control’s contraceptive properties- but the health issues the pill is used to treat.

This is war: war on women. This last move, an attempt to remove birth control coverage from major insurance plans, proves it. They want us to be barefoot and pregnant or just plain poor from having to buy birth control without insurance coverage. Men can walk into a gas station to buy condoms. Condoms are $1 each. Women have to first make an appointment with an OBGYN (which without insurance is $250 before tests are added to the bill) and then they must get a prescription, bring it to a pharmacy and get it filled. Even with insurance, the copay for birth control is often $20 or even $40 for a one month supply!

I just called my local Rite Aid Pharmacy to get some prices. One of the safest birth control pills to take (safe because it has less hormones in it than the other ones) is $114.99 per month! That is without insurance. With insurance it is probably still expensive, as we know each year copays go up not down.

There are other options like Planned Parenthood, which will provide you with affordable birth control for $35, however, their selection of pills are limited and they do not carry the low hormone brands. Ladies, you better get your affordable birth control at Planned Parenthood quick, because the Republicans in power are trying to defund them too.



Filed under News, Sex


Did you notice anything new about the page? Hayley’s Comments got a makeover! What do you think? Yey or Ney??


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“A wise man turns chance into good fortune.”


Emmanuel, Mary, Artstrong 2012

Emmanuel Fremin doesn’t leave things up to chance, he doesn’t believe in it. Hard work and vision are the principles that have brought both him and his partner, Mary Nguyen, success. Emmanuel and Mary are the owners of the Emmanuel Fremin Gallery in Chelsea New York but they haven’t stopped there.

Current exhibition at the Emmanuel Fremin Gallery, Giuseppe Mastromatteo's "Indepensense"

Starting out small, they sold art from Emmanuel’s apartment, but the business quickly expanded, and as a result, they needed to find an appropriate gallery space to conduct their work. Dealing art wasn’t such a big jump for them; they were already working in creative fields. Emmanuel began his career posing for artist Michel Giliberti and then became an Elite model. Mary started her career as a chef and continued her innovative creations by perfecting her Vietnamese spicy peanut sauce, Saigoniste, the “Official Food of the Art World,” which has since been showcased in events such as Red Dot and Art Asia.

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Filed under Art, News

An E-version of “I Know Why They Call a Shell A Shell: Tales of Love Lost at Sea”

Update: An E-version of “I Know Why They Call a Shell A Shell: Tales of Love Lost at Sea” will be released this Valentine’s Day February 14, 2012!!!

More to come!!!

You can keep up with related news by liking “I Know Why They Call a Shell A Shell: Tales of Love Lost at Sea” on Facebook!



Filed under Art, News

Is Maria Really Thinking About Taking Arnold Back? A Quick Look at the Psychology of Women Who Take Back Cheaters

I am not surprised to hear the news, that Maria Shriver is thinking about taking back Arnold Schwarzenegger. Why? Because she has stood by his side after countless alleged infidelities and indiscretions on his part. In one instance there is even video footage, indisputable evidence of him groping the breasts of a British morning show host. The footage is old was widely viewed during the his bid for California Governor Candidacy. Maria stayed with him for many years after this video was exposed; up until the discovery of a secret child he fathered with the house keeper. Even this isn’t enough to keep Maria away.

Many people argue that Maria comes from a family where the men are notorious cheaters so this is why she accepts her husband’s bad behavior. That in some way this is probably why she finds this type of behavior bearable, even acceptable. I disagree. It all comes down to self-esteem.

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Filed under Entertainment News, Love, News, relationships

The N-Word, The B-Word, and Rihanna


A Dutch magazine claims to have used highly offensive terminology to refer to Rihanna in an affectionate manner. Oh really? Lots of people are offended and rightfully so. The two words, the “N-word” and “bitch,” share similarities when it comes to their evolution. Both are derogatory terms and both refer to very specific demographic groups. The “N word” has roots as old as our nation, while the root’s of the derogatory term “bitch” are even older.

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Filed under Entertainment News, News

Cat Ladies and Romance Novels? Get Real! on HuffPost

Please check out my article, “No, I’m not a Crazy Cat Lady Who Writes Romance Novels” on The Huffington Post

Gymboree’s indiscretion last week continues to offend me. If you haven’t heard about it, some moms were in an uproar because the children’s outfitter sold a variety of onesies in which “Smart like Dad,” was written on the boy’s version and “Pretty like Mommy” on the girl’s. An article about the onesies on Salon mentions some of the backlash this controversy created citing one writer’s words, “if we get hysterical over every perceived slight, we won’t get anywhere. Choose your battle, ladies.” The article on the onesies goes on to include a commenter’s response to that statement, “These moms obviously have nothing better to do.”

These moms have nothing better to do? I’ve seen what moms do and they are usually very busy people. I’m sure they have plenty of better things to do than continue to fight an uphill battle in which for every step women in the US take in the direction of equality (outnumbering male enrollment in universities, even) they are thrown backwards by petty, yet offensive distractions like this type of children’s wear. I do not fault the mothers across the U.S. who spoke out against exposing their daughters to gender discrimination at increasingly younger and younger ages. Is being valued for our intelligence too much for a woman to ask for?

Finish the Article After the Jump

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My First Book and a Short Tale of Love

I have been MIA again. If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been I’m about to reveal my whereabouts: sitting on my butt in front of my computer (where I can usually be found when I’m not eating or sleeping). Yes I’ve been here the whole time…just busy working on something else…putting the finishing touches on my first book that is going to be released on Valentine’s Day. 2/14/12

The book, “I Know Why They Call a Shell a Shell: Tales of Love Lost at Sea” is a piece of creative non-fiction. In it I write extensively about the relationships I’ve had. All stories are told through the lens of its underlying theme: the ocean. As I sit here rereading it I feel naked and at times, totally humiliated by the stories of my life as I see them there in ink. On the pages of the book I did not just share the parts of my life, or the deepest parts of my soul. No. It is more than that, it is the blood from my heart as it bleeds all over the pages.

So I will be working on this a little longer. Right now, I’m thinking that I wish I wasn’t sitting home alone but out throwin’ a few back celebrating Thanksgiving Eve. I’m also thinkin’ I wish the last guy I dated was all he pretended to be and more. I lay across the couch alone and picture him, or the idea of him here, with me. I remember when I was in love, so very long ago. I was so young and pretty. I thought I was fat. Go figure. My boyfriend was really a jerk but we had some tender moments. I cannot help but think of the time he brought over a bag full of candy so we could build a gingerbread house together. He said he was going to do this but I didn’t actually believe he would. This type of activity was not part of his character. He was Mr. Machismo. He showed up at my house later that night with a big bag of candy.

We took pictures of that night. I have pictures of him hands covered in frosting diligently tarring and shingling the roof. What a guy. I laugh at the memory, but cannot help but think about the thoughts I had regarding this night after we’d broken up. I had all these pictures, evidence of him making this gingerbread house. There was a billboard directly across from his gym. It would only cost a couple hundred dollars to get the picture of him sticking gum drops onto our gingerbread sidewalk, but it would be worth every penny….Just picture it now, all his juice head friends leaving their workout only to see their buddy up on the billboard making a gingerbread house! Revenge is sweet (in this case, literally)! I know how guys are. He would never live it down…They’d probably give him some ridiculous nick name- and maybe taunt him everyday when he walked past them and to the weights,

“Run run as fast as you can, you’ll never catch the ginger bread man,” and then they’d all burst out laughing and he’d tell them to screw off. How does that saying go? “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?” Especially a woman with a brain and too much time on her hands.

The truth is, I didn’t do it. I didn’t have the heart to. But the idea of it still makes me burst out in laughter even at the most inappropriate times. Regardless of how horrible he ended up treating me and how our relationship ended, in that memory of us making a gingerbread house, I can remember someone who I think loved me. Someone who sat on the couch with me and let me sprawl across it putting my legs in his lap. I can try to picture him, or anyone sitting here with me now. But the couch is empty, the lights are off, it’s just me and the cat. So having said what was on my mind, I’m thinkin’, first of all, thank God for cats, and second of all thank God I’m not a cat- that would be so boring!

So you can read more about that relationship and a few more gems (sarcasm), I promise, in my new book. It will be available in print and for E-readers. If you would like to stay ultra informed about the book, visit the book’s official site and sign up for our mailing list (in the right hand corner of the page). Signing up for the mailing list will keep you updated on things like the book trailer, reviews, interviews, the official book cover, and various contests. You can also “Like” the book on the I Know Why They Call a Shell a Shell: Tales of Love Lost at Sea’s Official Facebook Page

One can only wonder about love- I would like to end this with a quote from Chris Farley when he “interviewed” Paul McCartney in a skit on SNL, “Remember when you were in the Beatles and you did that album, Abbey Road, and at the very end of the song it goes ‘The love you take is equal to the love you make.’ Is that true?


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