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No, I’m Not a Crazy Cat Lady Who Writes Romance Novels

Gymboree’s discretion last week continues to offend me. If you haven’t heard about it, some moms were in an uproar because the children’s outfitter sold a variety of Onesies in which “Smart like Daddy,” was written on the boy’s version and “Pretty like Mommy” on the girl’s.  An article about the Onesies on Salon mentions some of the backlash this controversy created citing one writer’s words,  “if we get hysterical over every perceived slight, we won’t get anywhere. Choose your battle, ladies.” The article on the onesies goes on to include a commenter’s response to that statement, “These moms obviously have nothing better to do.”

These moms have nothing better to do? I’ve seen what moms do and they are usually very busy people. I’m sure they have plenty of better things to do than continue to fight this uphill battle in which every step women in the US take in the direction of equality (outnumbering male enrollment in universities, even) are thrown backwards a few steps by petty, yet offensive distractions like this type of children’s-wear. I do not fault the mothers across the US who spoke out, for not wanting their daughters to grow up in a country that continues to force women into the role of sex-object at increasingly younger and younger ages. Is being valued for our intelligence too much for a woman to ask for?

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My First Book and a Short Tale of Love

I have been MIA again. If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been I’m about to reveal my whereabouts: sitting on my butt in front of my computer (where I can usually be found when I’m not eating or sleeping). Yes I’ve been here the whole time…just busy working on something else…putting the finishing touches on my first book that is going to be released on Valentine’s Day. 2/14/12

The book, “I Know Why They Call a Shell a Shell: Tales of Love Lost at Sea” is a piece of creative non-fiction. In it I write extensively about the relationships I’ve had. All stories are told through the lens of its underlying theme: the ocean. As I sit here rereading it I feel naked and at times, totally humiliated by the stories of my life as I see them there in ink. On the pages of the book I did not just share the parts of my life, or the deepest parts of my soul. No. It is more than that, it is the blood from my heart as it bleeds all over the pages.

So I will be working on this a little longer. Right now, I’m thinking that I wish I wasn’t sitting home alone but out throwin’ a few back celebrating Thanksgiving Eve. I’m also thinkin’ I wish the last guy I dated was all he pretended to be and more. I lay across the couch alone and picture him, or the idea of him here, with me. I remember when I was in love, so very long ago. I was so young and pretty. I thought I was fat. Go figure. My boyfriend was really a jerk but we had some tender moments. I cannot help but think of the time he brought over a bag full of candy so we could build a gingerbread house together. He said he was going to do this but I didn’t actually believe he would. This type of activity was not part of his character. He was Mr. Machismo. He showed up at my house later that night with a big bag of candy.

We took pictures of that night. I have pictures of him hands covered in frosting diligently tarring and shingling the roof. What a guy. I laugh at the memory, but cannot help but think about the thoughts I had regarding this night after we’d broken up. I had all these pictures, evidence of him making this gingerbread house. There was a billboard directly across from his gym. It would only cost a couple hundred dollars to get the picture of him sticking gum drops onto our gingerbread sidewalk, but it would be worth every penny….Just picture it now, all his juice head friends leaving their workout only to see their buddy up on the billboard making a gingerbread house! Revenge is sweet (in this case, literally)! I know how guys are. He would never live it down…They’d probably give him some ridiculous nick name- and maybe taunt him everyday when he walked past them and to the weights,

“Run run as fast as you can, you’ll never catch the ginger bread man,” and then they’d all burst out laughing and he’d tell them to screw off. How does that saying go? “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?” Especially a woman with a brain and too much time on her hands.

The truth is, I didn’t do it. I didn’t have the heart to. But the idea of it still makes me burst out in laughter even at the most inappropriate times. Regardless of how horrible he ended up treating me and how our relationship ended, in that memory of us making a gingerbread house, I can remember someone who I think loved me. Someone who sat on the couch with me and let me sprawl across it putting my legs in his lap. I can try to picture him, or anyone sitting here with me now. But the couch is empty, the lights are off, it’s just me and the cat. So having said what was on my mind, I’m thinkin’, first of all, thank God for cats, and second of all thank God I’m not a cat- that would be so boring!

So you can read more about that relationship and a few more gems (sarcasm), I promise, in my new book. It will be available in print and for E-readers. If you would like to stay ultra informed about the book, visit the book’s official site and sign up for our mailing list (in the right hand corner of the page). Signing up for the mailing list will keep you updated on things like the book trailer, reviews, interviews, the official book cover, and various contests. You can also “Like” the book on the I Know Why They Call a Shell a Shell: Tales of Love Lost at Sea’s Official Facebook Page

One can only wonder about love- I would like to end this with a quote from Chris Farley when he “interviewed” Paul McCartney in a skit on SNL, “Remember when you were in the Beatles and you did that album, Abbey Road, and at the very end of the song it goes ‘The love you take is equal to the love you make.’ Is that true?


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How to Stay Young Forever

All Things Healing published my article “How to Stay Forever Young.” If you haven’t yet read it and want to check it out, follow the link below!


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Taking Self-Esteem Classes at Age 26

I like myself. There I said it. However, my domestic violence counselor sent me to “self esteem classes.” My counselor keeps insisting that I need them. At first I thought she might be on to something. I have been acting pretty insecure lately.  I was dating a guy who has consistently blown me off  (like twice in one week). I think that is a reason to be insecure. Here I was thinking he liked me. Would you blow off someone you liked? Even if he was legitimately busy it still sucked being blown off by someone you were looking forward to seeing.

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Hi Everyone. I have been MIA this week because of the major Northeast power outage. We just got power back a few days ago- and some people still don’t have power! I will be writing this week as usual- I just wanted to apologize for my unplanned absence.

In other news, I have a book coming out around the holidays! (and another one coming out early next year)

My book that is coming out this year is a piece of creative non-fiction about my failed relationships- it will be a fun one to read, I promise!

Next years piece is about my time on the road in the great US of A!

Okay, well thanks for checking in, and Hayley’s Comments will be back to normal schedule beginning tomorrow!


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Are You Hiding Inside an Abusive Relationship? On HuffPost

Sometimes when we don’t trust ourselves, we feel very insecure about stepping out into the world to live life. I know I was afraid to go out and be my own person because of the abuse and rape I experienced at a young age. I feared that I, again, wouldn’t be able to protect myself if put in a compromising situation. As a result, I entered into an abusive relationship and subsequently continued this pattern for years. I was attracted to these types of relationships because, on a subconscious level, the aspect of control imposed limits that made me feel “protected” when everything around me felt very out of control. Alone, I felt vulnerable; like I could become a victim again at any time.

Like a textbook abusive relationship, the imposed limitations ended up including a list of things he didn’t want me to do, people he didn’t want me see, and places he didn’t want me to go. Somewhere in my psyche I knew this and permitted it to happen because I felt more insecure out of the relationship than I did in it. Ironically, I ended up existing in this cocoon for several years instead of navigating the world on my own.

Read the rest of the article after the jump.

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What’s New This Week on The Veggie Stand

Meet Ginger, this week’s Rescue Animal of the Week!

And don’t forget to enter your pet because they could be our next Rescue Animal of the Week!

You can also check out (and possibly take) PETA’s pledge to keep animals safe this winter!

Also, if you need a snack, I posted my recipe for “Really Really Good Trail Mix.”


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Following Your Dreams is Truly Divine Work

Flowers Hayley Rose 2009

Often, the most difficult thing in life is being true to yourself. By the time your cognitive development is over you have been bombarded with millions of different ideas; ideas that have shaped your personality by telling you not only what you should be doing but who you should be. Many of these messages come from the people who brought us up, friends and relatives, however; the media and culture play undeniable roles in our world view. From the time you are ready to begin life as an adult you are often in a headspace so far away from your true self that you can no longer identify your passion or dreams. Then life gets you. Responsibilities and bills imperative for survival come to the forefront and things like following your innermost dreams seem like something silly, something you tell yourself you will have time to do later.

It is never too late to follow your dreams, sometimes you just have to do a little back peddling. Your truest self is the self that remains when you stop letting the opinions of others penetrate your mind. The only way you will ever reach your true is by not caring about what others think, and stepping forward with courage. It does not matter what others think, following your dream is divine work; it is between you and God. Continue reading

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New on The Veggie Stand

Help the Humane Society ban puppy mill imports by signing their petition.

According to the Humane Society, “For decades, unscrupulous pet dealers have imported thousands of young, often unweaned and unvaccinated puppies from foreign puppy mills for resale in the U.S. These puppies often suffer harsh, long-distance transport, exposed to extreme temperatures and infectious diseases along the way. Many of them die.”

Help extend the European Union’s ban on animal tested cosmetics

The EU may not be extending their ban on animal tested products. The deadline is coming up and if they do not extend the ban animals will be subjected to this type of cruel testing- and it’s not just make up that they will be testing on them, but drugs and chemicals too.

Vegan Pizza Recipe

Coincidentally as I was writing this posting this recipe, I heard Dr. Oz on TV speaking about three foods that work wonders for improving your memory- three foods that all happen to be in this delicious recipe!

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New on the Veggie Stand

Good Morning Everyone!

Please check out my newest article on The Veggie Stand, “Simplify: What Happens When You Remove Meat and Alcohol from Your Life?”

I have an anniversary fast approaching: the anniversary of my switch to a vegetarian lifestyle. I say “lifestyle” because it truly is a lifestyle change that effects every aspect of your life including your personality, your health, and even your relationship with yourself and others. Soon after the switch, I removed alcohol from my life too.

What happens when you remove both meat and alcohol from your life? Some people would consider living this type of existence the exact definition of the word “hell.” I myself once felt that completely removing alcohol from my life would never happen. I liked my frozen drinks and micro-brews. Somehow social drinking was a part of me that I didn’t feel the need to give up, drinking once a month or twice tops. In fact, when I turned vegetarian, I remember being excited that I could still drink beer.

Read the rest of the article here….

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