Kim Kardashian: Domestic Abuser?

Please check out my article, “Kim Kardashian: Domestic Abuser?” on The Huffington Post

People are horrified over the episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashian’s in which Kim Kardashian takes a closed fist swing at husband Kris Humphries. Despite the entire scenario being caught on camera, many viewers are still wondering — is this domestic violence?

How is this a disputable question? Though some have tried to downplay her violent reaction by calling it “playful,” throwing a fist at your husband is not playful and technically falls under the category of domestic violence. It seems that because Kim is a woman people are confused as to whether or not her action falls into the “domestic violence” category. My answer: yes, it absolutely does.

Here is the dictionary definition of domestic violence “violence committed by one family or household member against another — see also restraining order.” They are husband and wife therefore it certainly qualifies. If they were strangers and she did this is would still be labeled violence just not domestic violence.

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Filed under Domestic Violence, Entertainment News

So The Holidays Are Depressing for Some People?

So The Holidays Are Depressing for Some People? That’s what I hear…and this year I might be joining the ranks of the Scrooges and the lonely who curse the holidays all the way to New Year’s Day. Why? Many reasons, but today I am going to talk about one reason in particular.

A week or so ago when I was tuning my guitar, I broke the E-string (the little one on the end). I have been so busy this past week I did not have time to get a new one until tonight. I finally made the long drive to the music shop, upon pulling into the plaza I was very confused. I looked from one side to the other but did not see the sign for Daddy Junky’s anywhere…Crap…So then I drove to the mall where I was lucky to find a set of generic strings at one of those big box “music stores” where not one of the clerks could help me figure out what strings were best for an acoustic/ electric- in fact, no one on staff knew anything about guitars or instruments at all!

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Filed under Heart, Love, Motivation

Domestic Violence and Kim Kardashian

People are horrified over the episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashian’s in which Kim Kardashian takes a closed fist swing at then husband Kris Humprhies. Yet many viewers are still wondering- is this domestic violence?

How is this a disputable question? Though the media has tried to spin her violent reaction as “playful violence” throwing a fist is just that: domestic violence. I believe that because Kim is a woman people are confused whether or not her action falls into the “domestic violence” category. My answer: yes, it absolutely does.

Here is the definition of domestic violenceviolence committed by one family or household member against another —see also restraining order.” They are husband and wife therefore it certainly qualifies. If they were strangers and she did this is would still be entitled violence just not domestic violence.

Are people quick to defend her because she is physically smaller and weaker than her husband and he could possibly “take it?” Keep your judgements to yourself people, no man deserves the humiliation that goes along with being beat up by a woman despite whether or not he can physically “take it.” It is the emotional and psychological impact that lasts long after the physical bruises have faded. Men are often silent victims when it comes to being victims of rape and/or domestic violence.  For male victims of domestic abuse and rape it is even more stigmatized by society than it is for female victims (though neither have it easy). Society unfairly labels men who complain about violence from a partner as “not real men” or just plain weak. This is wrong. Anytime a person is abused by a family member it is domestic violence whether it is a female or male throwing the punches.

The other thing that really alarms me about the whole scenario is her immediate reaction- to throw a closed fist punch at him. If it was as “playful” as her public relations team would like you to believe, she may have swatted him away, even lightly smacked him. Those reactions are not necessarily acceptable, but certainly not as shocking as throwing a punch. And just imagine how outraged Americans would be if it was the other way around: Kris throwing the punch at Kim. Just my two cents…


Filed under Domestic Violence, Entertainment News, relationships

Cat Ladies and Romance Novels? Get Real! on HuffPost

Please check out my article, “No, I’m not a Crazy Cat Lady Who Writes Romance Novels” on The Huffington Post

Gymboree’s indiscretion last week continues to offend me. If you haven’t heard about it, some moms were in an uproar because the children’s outfitter sold a variety of onesies in which “Smart like Dad,” was written on the boy’s version and “Pretty like Mommy” on the girl’s. An article about the onesies on Salon mentions some of the backlash this controversy created citing one writer’s words, “if we get hysterical over every perceived slight, we won’t get anywhere. Choose your battle, ladies.” The article on the onesies goes on to include a commenter’s response to that statement, “These moms obviously have nothing better to do.”

These moms have nothing better to do? I’ve seen what moms do and they are usually very busy people. I’m sure they have plenty of better things to do than continue to fight an uphill battle in which for every step women in the US take in the direction of equality (outnumbering male enrollment in universities, even) they are thrown backwards by petty, yet offensive distractions like this type of children’s wear. I do not fault the mothers across the U.S. who spoke out against exposing their daughters to gender discrimination at increasingly younger and younger ages. Is being valued for our intelligence too much for a woman to ask for?

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Suicide Watch

If you have ever had someone you care about attempt or even commit suicide, you know how terrible the ordeal can be. It is worse than a regular death. There is little closure. It is a situation where no one ever truly wins and those left behind spend the rest of their lives trying not to blame themselves for what they did or didn’t do. I have some good friends in the blogosphere who speak extensively about their past suicide attempts and I have a story or two of my own. This is not about me or them.

I have spent a lot of time taking care of sick relatives. Last month I was housesitting for a relative who had to have surgery. I was able to juggle running errands for both her and me, visiting her at the hospital, and still work, however only after a few days of her being in the hospital, things started to snowball. My uncle, from my story, “The Men Who Sleep on Park Benches,” was admitted to the same hospital after he was found in the motel he’s living with slit wrists.

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Filed under Addiction

No, I’m Not a Crazy Cat Lady Who Writes Romance Novels

Gymboree’s discretion last week continues to offend me. If you haven’t heard about it, some moms were in an uproar because the children’s outfitter sold a variety of Onesies in which “Smart like Daddy,” was written on the boy’s version and “Pretty like Mommy” on the girl’s.  An article about the Onesies on Salon mentions some of the backlash this controversy created citing one writer’s words,  “if we get hysterical over every perceived slight, we won’t get anywhere. Choose your battle, ladies.” The article on the onesies goes on to include a commenter’s response to that statement, “These moms obviously have nothing better to do.”

These moms have nothing better to do? I’ve seen what moms do and they are usually very busy people. I’m sure they have plenty of better things to do than continue to fight this uphill battle in which every step women in the US take in the direction of equality (outnumbering male enrollment in universities, even) are thrown backwards a few steps by petty, yet offensive distractions like this type of children’s-wear. I do not fault the mothers across the US who spoke out, for not wanting their daughters to grow up in a country that continues to force women into the role of sex-object at increasingly younger and younger ages. Is being valued for our intelligence too much for a woman to ask for?

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My First Book and a Short Tale of Love

I have been MIA again. If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been I’m about to reveal my whereabouts: sitting on my butt in front of my computer (where I can usually be found when I’m not eating or sleeping). Yes I’ve been here the whole time…just busy working on something else…putting the finishing touches on my first book that is going to be released on Valentine’s Day. 2/14/12

The book, “I Know Why They Call a Shell a Shell: Tales of Love Lost at Sea” is a piece of creative non-fiction. In it I write extensively about the relationships I’ve had. All stories are told through the lens of its underlying theme: the ocean. As I sit here rereading it I feel naked and at times, totally humiliated by the stories of my life as I see them there in ink. On the pages of the book I did not just share the parts of my life, or the deepest parts of my soul. No. It is more than that, it is the blood from my heart as it bleeds all over the pages.

So I will be working on this a little longer. Right now, I’m thinking that I wish I wasn’t sitting home alone but out throwin’ a few back celebrating Thanksgiving Eve. I’m also thinkin’ I wish the last guy I dated was all he pretended to be and more. I lay across the couch alone and picture him, or the idea of him here, with me. I remember when I was in love, so very long ago. I was so young and pretty. I thought I was fat. Go figure. My boyfriend was really a jerk but we had some tender moments. I cannot help but think of the time he brought over a bag full of candy so we could build a gingerbread house together. He said he was going to do this but I didn’t actually believe he would. This type of activity was not part of his character. He was Mr. Machismo. He showed up at my house later that night with a big bag of candy.

We took pictures of that night. I have pictures of him hands covered in frosting diligently tarring and shingling the roof. What a guy. I laugh at the memory, but cannot help but think about the thoughts I had regarding this night after we’d broken up. I had all these pictures, evidence of him making this gingerbread house. There was a billboard directly across from his gym. It would only cost a couple hundred dollars to get the picture of him sticking gum drops onto our gingerbread sidewalk, but it would be worth every penny….Just picture it now, all his juice head friends leaving their workout only to see their buddy up on the billboard making a gingerbread house! Revenge is sweet (in this case, literally)! I know how guys are. He would never live it down…They’d probably give him some ridiculous nick name- and maybe taunt him everyday when he walked past them and to the weights,

“Run run as fast as you can, you’ll never catch the ginger bread man,” and then they’d all burst out laughing and he’d tell them to screw off. How does that saying go? “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?” Especially a woman with a brain and too much time on her hands.

The truth is, I didn’t do it. I didn’t have the heart to. But the idea of it still makes me burst out in laughter even at the most inappropriate times. Regardless of how horrible he ended up treating me and how our relationship ended, in that memory of us making a gingerbread house, I can remember someone who I think loved me. Someone who sat on the couch with me and let me sprawl across it putting my legs in his lap. I can try to picture him, or anyone sitting here with me now. But the couch is empty, the lights are off, it’s just me and the cat. So having said what was on my mind, I’m thinkin’, first of all, thank God for cats, and second of all thank God I’m not a cat- that would be so boring!

So you can read more about that relationship and a few more gems (sarcasm), I promise, in my new book. It will be available in print and for E-readers. If you would like to stay ultra informed about the book, visit the book’s official site and sign up for our mailing list (in the right hand corner of the page). Signing up for the mailing list will keep you updated on things like the book trailer, reviews, interviews, the official book cover, and various contests. You can also “Like” the book on the I Know Why They Call a Shell a Shell: Tales of Love Lost at Sea’s Official Facebook Page

One can only wonder about love- I would like to end this with a quote from Chris Farley when he “interviewed” Paul McCartney in a skit on SNL, “Remember when you were in the Beatles and you did that album, Abbey Road, and at the very end of the song it goes ‘The love you take is equal to the love you make.’ Is that true?


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Last night before I went to sleep I asked God to help me figure out to do about the source of my guilt. I have eliminated most of my guilt over the years but still have trouble justifying the fact that I am estranged from my grandmother. As you know may know, my uncle has torn the family apart with his endless dysfunction but it’s not just that. Growing up I was at the bottom of the totem pole when it came to favoritism in the family. Despite this status, she still had enough manipulation and nastiness to go around. She is one of those people whom strangers love and wonder why her family doesn’t talk to her because she’s so nice to them.

Despite the long list of justification I had for not really talking to her anymore I still felt guilty. I am not the type of person who can do mean or hurtful things to a person even when they treated me abusively. The reason I stayed away was to protect myself: I couldn’t take the way she made me feel when I was around her. Even if I did something nice or thoughtful she was so mean that I always left her home feeling bad. I didn’t need people like her and my uncle in my life. Somehow, I still felt guilty for this choice.

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Filed under Healing, Life Lessons, relationships

I Flunked Self-Esteem Class

Today I flunked out of self-esteem class. And no. I’m not joking.

“I just don’t think I can get through to you. Don’t take it personally, but here’s a list of other therapists that might be a better fit. It was nice meeting you.” Are you serious? Good thing I didn’t take it personally- that would’ve been very detrimental to my self-esteem.

Upon hearing of my expulsion from self-esteem class, my other counselor -the one who recommended me for self-esteem classes- subtly asked me not to come back. I told her what he’d said and how I was confused as to what he meant by he couldn’t get through to me. I am not a child. I didn’t misbehave. I took the class seriously. As we conversed and continued to talk about other things she seemed to become very irritated with me.


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Filed under Dating, Domestic Violence, Friendship, Fun, Growth, Healing, Heart, Inspirational, Life Lessons, Motivation, Passion, relationships

I Lost My Voice (Again)

I’ve been in a lot of abusive situations and dated so many people in which I ended up in some kind of off kilter romance. In these affairs I often found myself on the crappy end of a power play always expending a lot of energy trying to win the other person back. Staying in the situation causes a lot of mental anguish and stress. When you are in the midst of this, it is easy to lose your voice because you are people pleasing. Going through the gamut of emotions that come up in an abusive scenario cause your mind to exist in some sort of mental flurry- perhaps similar to the fight or flight reflex you often react rather than act. This mental flurry makes it difficult for you to live in the moment and you often lose track of your own wants and needs. When you are stuck in the middle of this much emotional stress, you are no longer paying attention to yourself and run the risk of letting others define you.

This happened to me a few weeks ago when I got sent to self-esteem classes by my counselor. I will tell you why she initially sent me. I was obsessing over whether or not the guy I was dating liked me. In fact I was very insecure about the whole thing. My counselor figured that he did. He asked me out didn’t he? She couldn’t understand why I was acting so insecurely and thought that perhaps self-esteem was the root of what was causing me to have insecurities in this new relationship. “You don’t have any self-esteem, Hayley. You don’t like yourself.” I thought about what she said.

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