Tag Archives: hayley rose

A Happy Birthday Note to Self

Let's just call this vintage artwork by your's truly courtesy of my father. Thank-you Dad!

Dear Hayley,

Today is your birthday and I would like to commend you on the progress you made over the following year. Though the year was off to a slow start with spotty employment, bad dates, and even a psychopath boyfriend, from my perspective the year as a whole, ended well. I attribute this mainly to the way that you refuse to ever give up.

I know you write a lot about the importance of not giving up and I hope that the people who read your column take this advice from your heart to theirs. The previous year for you was a year full of what I refer to as ‘growing pains.’ Growing pain years are full of emotional pain and torment. To make matters worse, during these types of years, the days seem to drag along extremely sloooowly. 24 hours often feels more like 48. The phone never rings and when it finally does, it’s usually a telemarketer. That was your 2009 in a nutshell. However, in a year like this when you are alone and faced with your grief, you are forced to tackle it head on; you cannot continue to ignore it like you had years prior (because let’s be honest, if you don’t face it, progress will continue to be slow or non-existent). 2010 wasn’t much different. Though much less emotional, it was time for you to get your health in order. 2011 showed improvement, though like anything worthwhile it too was something that progressed slowly; it are these slow times in life we must utilize in order to heal.

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Filed under Growth, Healing, Inspirational